Dock Single Slot Memor X3

Dock Single Slot Memor X3 Rating: 3,9/5 4582 votes
Dock Single Slot Memor X3

/ WINDOWS CE5.0 Installation

Dock single slot memor x3 x4

  1. Copy “Datalogic_Memor_WinCE5_”(you can download the file on this site) in the Memor backup folder via ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center..
  2. Launch “Datalogic Memor WinCE5 Ethernet Cradle” (double click on icon from File Explorer) and confirm the installation pressing OK on the upper right corner of the window (see figures below).
  3. After the installation, cold boot device (ESC+Trackball+ON/OFF button) to complete the installation.

Datalogic Scanning 94A150057 Falcon X3 Single Slot Desk Mount Dock with Spare Battery Charging Slot 2.9 out of 5 stars 3 ratings Available from these sellers. The Memor X3 single slot dock paired with one Memor X3 mobile computer builds a reading system for the collection, decoding and transmission of barcoded data. The communication between the mobile computer and host PC through the Memor X3 single slot dock may occur also by using the standard ActiveSync connection.

Dock Single Slot Memor X3 1000

Dock single slot memor x3 x4

/ WINDOWS MOBILE 6.1 Installation

Dock Single Slot Memor X3 X6


  1. Copy “”(you can download the file on this site) in a Memor “My Device” (root) folder via ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center..
  2. Launch “Datalogic Memor WinMobile Ethernet Cradle driver_rel1_0” (double click on icon from File Explorer) and confirm the installation pressing OK on the upper right corner of the window (see figures below)
  3. After the installation boot device (ESC+Trackball+ON/OFF buttons) to complete the installation.

Dock Single Slot Memor X3 M40i


Dock Single Slot Memor X3 X4