Lake Winnipeg Walleye Slot Size
- Lake Winnipeg Walleye Ties for World Live Release Record. It's official, Lake Winnipeg has produced a giant 34 inch walleye that has been recognized by the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame as one of three, ice fishing catch and release world records! This amazing greenback walleye is a true testiment to the world class.
- Male and female walleye growth rates. Beneath the water’s surface competition is fierce and size matters. For walleye, that means egg-bearing females need to grow faster and bigger than males. In just about every walleye lake, males peak out at 12-15 years old and reach 24-26 inches in length.
Lake Winnipeg Walleye Slot Size Chart
Lake Winnibigoshish has a slot limit from 18 inches to 23 inches (where one fish can be kept over 23 inches). Despite an aggressive slot limit, our anglers often catch enough fish to have fish fries and many young anglers have the opportunity to catch a fair number of five pound and larger walleyes. Think about a trip to Denny's Resort in October. Much discussion also focused the age class structure of the walleye population in Lake Winnipeg, growth rate, the age at which walleye become sexually mature and the effects of mesh size. Compared to6 or 7 years ago, most of the large walleye in the lake are no longer there.
Limits and Possession
Fish are considered to be in possession if they are not immediately released into the water from which they were taken. Possession limits are the same as daily catch limits in Manitoba. You may possess no more than one limit of each kind of fish at any time. This includes all fish you have in hand, camp, transportation, at home or for use in a competitive fishing event.
Walleye (Pickerel) & Sauger (either or combined):
Lake Winnipeg Walleye Slot Sizes
- General Limit
- Conservation Licence – 4
- Regulare Licence – 6
- Only one may exceed 21inches
- Anglers may retain only 1 walleye longer than 70 cm per year. Licence holders who catch and retain one of these fish must immediately record the date on the back of their licence.
Lake Winnipeg Walleye Size Limit
* information above obtained from the 2018 Manitoba’s Anglers Guide