Pyqt Connect Signals And Slots

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We connect the standard finished and terminated signals from the thread to the same slot in the widget. This will reset the user interface when the thread stops running. The custom output (QRect, QImage) signal is connected to the addImage slot so that we can update the viewer label every time a new star is drawn. New-style PyQt Signals and Slots I was to lazy to take a look at the new-style signal and slot support which was introduced in PyQt 4.5 until yesterday. I did know that there were something called new-style signals and slots but that was the end of the story. In PyQt, we can connect signals to any method call as long as the signatures match. In the case of our clicked method, no arguments are transmitted when the signal is emitted. However, if we look at the QComboBox signal documentation, we’ll see that some of the signals (activated for example) emit arguments that we need to catch in our method. In PyQt, connection between a signal and a slot can be achieved in different ways. Following are most commonly used techniques − QtCore.QObject.connect (widget, QtCore.SIGNAL (‘signalname’), slotfunction) A more convenient way to call a slotfunction, when a signal is emitted by a widget is as follows −. All the information (slot to call, parameter values.) are stored inside the event. Copying the parameters. The argv coming from the signal is an array of pointers to the arguments. The problem is that these pointers point to the stack of the signal where the arguments are. Once the signal returns, they will not be valid anymore.

While working on ape I had a problem with figuring out how to properly connect a signal to a slot, where the signal is emitted by a QTreeView widget. As this is not my first app with python and pyqt, I was doing something like (this is, btw, the “old style”):

PyqtPyqt connect signal to multiple slots

but it simply didn’t work. Nothing happened. I was trying all different of connect/signal/slot combinations but everything was just dead silent. Google gave only pretty much old posts talking about QT3. Then I figured that, because the QTreeView is “sitting” inside a QDockWidget, maybe that dock widget thingy is somehow intercepting/taking over the signals. Nope. Wth? Wtf is going on? Current pyqt version is (on my machine) 4.6. Last time I used pyqt it was something like 4.2 or 4.3. Something must’ve been changed in the mean time. Off to the pyqt docs I go (btw, I use the official QT docs, the C++ version, there isn’t really a big difference from pyqt): PyQt reference, chapter 7 - 'New-style Signal and Slot Support'. A-ha! They changed it! Here is an example of the “new style”:

Pyqt Connect Signal To Multiple Slots

Pyqt Connect Signals And Slots

Pyqt Connect Signals And Slots No Deposit

Oh my, isn’t that just beautiful?! Much more readable and simpler, for me at least. And it works! Yay! The QTreeView signals are happily connected to slots, thus, I’m happy too.

A few paragraphs later, turns out that the “old style” isn’t thrown out, it should still work. Why it didn’t work for me escapes me at the moment, but honestly, I don’t really care as long as the new style is working.

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Happy hackin’!